Minimally invasive surgery provides a safe and effective alternative to traditional open procedures. At Chicago Foot Specialists, in the Chicago Loop neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, board-certified podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons Nehal Sheth, DPM, Mark Pinkowski, DPM, and Christine Heck, DPM, and the team use minimally invasive surgery to treat various foot and ankle problems, including bunions, hammertoes, and bone spurs. Call Chicago Foot Specialists today to see if you can benefit from minimally invasive surgery or book your appointment online.

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What is minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery?

Minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery uses small incisions and special surgical instruments to repair or remove damaged or diseased tissues in your feet and/or ankles.

The Chicago Foot Specialists team holds board certification in minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery from the American Board of Podiatric Medicine (ABPM).

What types of problems can benefit from minimally invasive surgery?

The Chicago Foot Specialists team uses minimally invasive surgery to treat various foot and ankle problems, including:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Hammertoes
  • Bunions
  • Heel spurs
  • Foot and ankle fractures
  • Bone cysts
  • Ligament and cartilage injuries

Sometimes, diabetic ulcers and other slow-healing wounds require surgery to prevent infection and preserve the healthy surrounding tissue.

How do I prepare for minimally invasive surgery?

Before undergoing minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery, you need a preoperative physical.

The Chicago Foot Specialists team reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms and lifestyle, and completes an exam. Let your provider know if you take prescription medications or supplements or have any underlying health problems. Certain drugs and conditions can increase the risk of complications, so it’s important the team’s aware.

What does minimally invasive surgery involve?

The Chicago Foot Specialists team completes minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery at a nearby hospital or surgical facility.

On the day of your procedure, you change into a gown and lie down on an operating table. Your surgeon then administers intravenous anesthesia, putting you to sleep.

Once you’re comfortable, your surgeon makes several small incisions near the area of your foot or ankle being treated. They insert surgical instruments into the incisions, carefully repairing and removing damaged or diseased tissue.

At the end of the operation, your surgeon removes the tools, closes your incisions, wraps the surgical site, and moves you to a recovery room. You won’t need to stay in the hospital, but it takes several hours for the anesthesia to wear off, so you will need someone to drive you home.

What is recovery like after minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery?

After minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery, it’s normal to experience swelling, bruising, and pain. Take your medications as prescribed, get plenty of rest, and follow your surgeon’s recovery instructions.

Once your body begins healing, you enroll in physical therapy. Physical therapy combines stretches, strengthening exercises, and manual treatments to help you recuperate.

Call Chicago Foot Specialists today to see if you’re a candidate for minimally invasive surgery, or make your appointment online.