Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common foot problems, affecting up to 1 in 10 adults. At Chicago Foot Specialists, in the Chicago Loop neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, experienced podiatrists Nehal Sheth, DPM, Mark Pinkowski, DPM, and Christine Heck, DPM, and the team offer various treatments for plantar fasciitis, including orthotics, laser therapy, and corticosteroid injections. Call Chicago Foot Specialists today to receive treatment for plantar fasciitis, or make your appointment online.

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What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury that causes intense heel pain and mobility problems.

It occurs when the plantar fascia –– a band of tissue that runs from your heel to your toes –– develops small tears because of general wear-and-tear. Without treatment, these tears become increasingly inflamed and affect your quality of life.

What are the symptoms of plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis symptoms include:

  • A tight Achilles tendon
  • Swelling around your heel
  • Stiffness
  • Pain in the arch of your foot
  • Heel pain

Pain caused by plantar fasciitis is worse in the morning and after long periods of sitting or standing.

Who is at risk of experiencing plantar fasciitis?

Several factors may increase your risk of plantar fasciitis, including:

  • Being 40 or older
  • Being overweight
  • Working a job that keeps you on your feet
  • Running
  • Dancing

Your foot structure may also increase your risk. For example, people with flat feet and high arches are more likely to experience plantar fasciitis.

Does plantar fasciitis require treatment?

Make an appointment at Chicago Foot Specialists if you have heel pain lasting more than a week. That’s especially true if your symptoms don’t improve with treatments like rest, ice, and elevation or keep you from your normal routine.

How is plantar fasciitis diagnosed?

The Chicago Foot Specialists team reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and completes a podiatry exam. They gently press on your heel and ankle to identify sensitive areas and have you walk back and forth, assessing your gait and posture.

If the team suspects another problem is causing your pain, they might order diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, an ultrasound, or an MRI.

How is plantar fasciitis treated?

The Chicago Foot Specialists team treats plantar fasciitis using a conservative and minimally invasive approach. They may recommend:

  • 3D custom-scanned orthotics
  • Laser therapy
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Stem cell injections
  • Physical therapy
  • Wearing more comfortable and supportive shoes

If your heel pain continues, even after conservative treatments, you may be a candidate for surgery. During plantar fasciitis surgery, your provider uses special tools to make tiny incisions in your plantar fascia, relieving tension and pain.

Call Chicago Foot Specialists today to learn more about the treatment of plantar fasciitis, or make your appointment online.